My Children’s Public Meltdowns and the “Best sort of Mummy”

Every Easter we attend a holiday with several families from our church. While I look forward to the singing, fellowship, teaching, seaside and cake I am also worried about being a parent in public for 4 days.

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“My Grandad”

It was six long weeks after Star had come home that my parents got to meet her. They came into the house, sat down with Hannah (7) and Ben (5), and Star (4) climbed onto the the sofa and they read some books together, as if it was perfectly normal to meet a new grandchild this way…

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Disney, Jesus and The End of Every Tear

Fantasyland in Disneyland Paris is designed to be picture perfect. Domincated by a pink castle, immaculate lawns and colourful flower beds. There is lots of talk of Disney Magic and many families trying to attain the “perfect” day out.
The longest queue that we saw was to meet a Disney princess. Already over 2 hours long in the early morning. A line looping around the park of children in princess dresses, excitedly waiting. And unperceived by most, at the side door there is another entrance, with a much shorter queue, for children holding a disabled pass. The families in this queue know that just because you have entered Disneyland, everything in the world has not suddenly been made right.

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How do I react to my childrens’ misdemeanours in a Christ-Like way?

Adopting Star

imageA fellow adoptive Mum, recently asked the following question.

“How do I react to my adopted childrens’ misdemeanours, in Christ?”

This got me thinking…..

How do I react.
Answer: not very well… Sometimes very badly.

So, how do I react to my children’s misdemeanours IN A CHRIST-LIKE way?

I have started asking myself these questions:

1. Am I reacting out of pride? Is my greatest concern what other people think of me. Or is my concern for what this behaviour is telling me that my children need.
2. Am I reacting from a place of anxiety? Am I so busy worrying about the consequences of this behaviour in the future that I am unnecessarily making things worse in the present. (It is unhelpful for my inner dialogue to be “what are we going to do if you can’t learn to do this by the time you are [insert age or…

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