
Hello and thank you for visiting my blog.

I am a family doctor (GP) in the UK, I am married and have two birth children, Hannah (9) and Ben (7), our youngest daughter Star (6) joined our family through adoption.

Star is beautiful, she lights up the room. She is truly one of the most brave and resilient people I have ever met. Oh yes, she also happens to have Down syndrome.

I began writing the blog when Star had been living with us for just under a year. And what a year it had been!!! I felt like there were so many experiences we had lived through but that I had not processed. Writing my blog helps me to do that.

My blog begins by telling the story of how I (slowly) came to realise that God was calling us to adopt. It truly was an unexpected journey for me. And as a fan of JR Tolkien that is where the name of the blog came from. As I write, I realise I have learnt so much about God, his love for me and his faithfulness.

This blog is not chronological (!) mainly because my brain isn’t very chronological at the moment.

My journey started with me trying not to listen – I have written about that in:

When God is Calling you to do something BIG and you are trying hard not to listen 

The Incarnation explains the turning point for me in terms of realising God was speaking to me about adoption.

Searching is the point at which I first saw my lovely Star.

Preparing our Children to meet their Adopted Sister does what it says on the tin.

The Day Star first went to Church is one of my happiest posts!

What I tell myself when I am afraid my Daughter’s diagnosis of Down Syndrome

My Daughter’s First Word was **** is about parenting a child who has suffered neglect

Star and Paddington Bear is where I discovered that our unexpected journey had come full circle; and that we need her as much as she needs us

Thank you for stopping by, if you have time, please comment and share some of your story too. If you feel something that you have read has been useful to others you know, please feel free to share using the social media buttons. If you would like to receive my blog by e mail, please press the button on the right hand side of the sidebar or like my Facebook page “Adopting Star.”

Love Jane xx
(In order to protect my children, some names have been changed.)

11 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m so happy there are people like you in the world. I have an adopted brother who had fetal alcohol syndrome and an adopted sister who has a variety of mental disorders. I love them more than words can express. Doesn’t matter where they came from. The first day they are in your life, they are all yours!

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